Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Election 2010: Rage, not race -

Election 2010: Rage, not race -

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good article and true. People are sick of the same ole same ole regardless of which party is in power. Its like our politicians don't listen to us anymore.
We are supposed to be in charge of the government but it seems like sometimes the government is in charge of us.
Its time for the silent majority to become Independent voters and make decisions.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Seems Like Someone Hacked into My Blog

Someone out there in cyberworld decided to hack into my little blog here? I have a couple of suspecions about who the guilty person or persons responsible. I hope you really wake up and get a life. The only people who hack into people's blogs or their websites are people who have such lonely pathic lives that in order to be happy they have to hack people's blogs or forums or websites for businesses. My advise to you is get out of your parents basement and get a life.
Step away from the computer and into your brand new life.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hate Speech & History - Real Clear Politics –

Hate Speech & History - Real Clear Politics –

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I am glad to see more people speaking up about the inappropriate use of the race card and the left wing's obsession about Obama's skin color.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why Is the Media Ignoring the Al Qaeda Plot to Kill Hillary Clinton? - Politics - Blogcritics

Why Is the Media Ignoring the Al Qaeda Plot to Kill Hillary Clinton? - Politics - Blogcritics

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This blog article addresses the rumor that Hillary is running for governor of NY and the al queda plot to kill Hillary I hope that Hillary is safe but I want to know why the media ignores this. I understand why the gov doesn;'t want this out but what about the press?
Hillary has 18 million people who want her safe.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pretending in Afghanistan

Pretending in Afghanistan

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Seems like Afghanistan is going to give Obama big problems. There is more violence over there now then there was in the entire seven years we have been there.
Obama used Afghanistan so that he wouldn't look weak on National Security.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Obama Says vs. What He Does

What Obama Says vs. What He Does

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Obama has a habit of saying one thing and then doing another. He also has this habit of trying to get things like Health Care Reform passed quickly but the laws don't go into effect until after he is out of office. Sounds like a bad law to me. Sounds like he doesn't want to be blamed for a bad law.
Obama is going to try to get something passed if he can.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Raising the stakes in Honduras

Raising the stakes in Honduras

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I am glad that America is standing tough. I don't know what to think of this story but I wonder if Obama will call what happened in Honduras a Military coup.
They are cutting off all Non Humanitarian aid to Honduras.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama, The Mortal

Obama, The Mortal

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Looks like Obama's wings have broken and he has fallen to earth. People are sick of him they are sick of him spending all sorts of money on programs this Country can afford. He has stayed to the left despite promises to work with the Republicans he and the democrats have blocked the Republicans.

Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students - Political News -

Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students - Political News -

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Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students - Political News -

Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students - Political News -

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Right blasts Obama speech to students - Nia-Malika Henderson -

Right blasts Obama speech to students - Nia-Malika Henderson -

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I am in shock that this man wants to actually indoctrinate our children. This ego manical man needs to sit his unpopular butt down and either improve his relationships with adults or just be quiet for the next several years.
No one likes you anymore Obama so just take your no account ass and sit down. Stop trying to brainwash the children.

Friday, September 4, 2009

US Axes Gaurds for Lewd Behavior. Hillary Puts her Foot Down.

The guards in the embassy of Kabal have been partying and playing with Prostutes as well as humiliating people. These fools peed on people and also drank vodka out of butt cracks. This kind of disquesting behavior prompted a group to send Secretary Clinton a dossier about misbehavior of the embassy guards.
I am glad that Hillary is cracking down on these idiots.
Perhaps we should just use the military.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

School speech backlash builds - Nia-Malika Henderson -

School speech backlash builds - Nia-Malika Henderson -

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I just don't want the President to try to indoctronate the children not everyone in America agrees with the President.
Its best that children be kept out of politics.