Friday, August 28, 2009

Can Dems Rescue ObamaCare?

Can Dems Rescue ObamaCare?

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I think this article may be true. I also have a feeling that the Democrats are going to cut their losses and run as far away from Health care as possible because its very unpopular and likely to result in major loses in the Congress.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

White House power grabs - Washington Times

White House power grabs - Washington Times

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I am so ticked off that this idiot is looking into charging the CIA. I don't think the CIA went far enough. I don't see anything wrong with this punk azz torture procedure waterboarding. Oh cry me a river please I have seen worse torture in the hood. Perhaps if the bleeding heart liberals ever took the time to visit the slums of the USA perhaps they wouldn't think waterboarding is so tough. Yes it scares the crap out of you but I am sure the people who died in the stairwells or in a plane on 9/11 were afraid too only they didn't get a chance to get over that fear.
These terriorists are scum and not worthy of humane treatment. Its time the USA forget about being part of the world that condones such behavior.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Teddy Kennedy Passed Away today at age 77.

I am not a fan of Senator Teddy Kennedy. I thought that he was a very mean man when he called Hillary Clinton a racist. I will never forgive him or the other dirt balls like Caroline Kennedy and Maria Shriver.
My heart does go out to this family for their loss but frankly I prefer to mourn for someone that didn't kill a young girl and then run away from the scene of the crime. I prefer not to mourn for someone who treats women like they are meat. I prefer not to mourn for someone who insults a former first lady on the floor of the Senate when Stevie Wonder could see that it was Barack who played the race card.
I am sorry but I will never forgive him for what he did to Hillary and Bill.
I used to say nice things about someone who died but after Michael Jackson was insulted so bad I say why should I be nice Teddy wasn't nice when he called Hillary a racist and he wasn't nice when he ran away from the scene of an accident killing Mary Jo and he wasn't nice when he caused a scene at the 1980 Democratic Convention which gave us Ronald Reagan.
Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. I respect Hillary for speaking nicely because if that old fat drunk would have called me a racist he would have been picking up his teeth. I know I am ghetto but frankly I am sick of hearing what a good man he was. He stood up for everyone well he didn't stand up for Hillary when it was her who was discriminated against and he didn't stand up for Mary Jo.

Debate Shows How Little Obama Understands

Debate Shows How Little Obama Understands

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Obama doesn't understand that free market creates competition.
I am not sold on this idea either since the Prices are still way to high. There are plus and minuses on both sides.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Blue Dog's lament: 'People are scared' - Jonathan Martin -

A Blue Dog's lament: 'People are scared' - Jonathan Martin -

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The Blue Dogs are in a do or die situation here if they vote with the administration they risk their seats. I think in the end the Blue Dogs are going to end up voting against the Democrats on Health Care and other issues.
The Democrats can't primary someone if the Blue Dogs stick together.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

More Pics of Hillary Clinton

Here are some more Pics of Hillary in Africa and in Asia

Hillary Clinton Pledges to Banish Sexual Violence to the Past Go Hillary,,20299698,00.html

Secretary of State wrote an op ed for about sexual violence. She was wrapping up a gruelling 11 day visit to Africa. The media here were so worried about her "snapping" at an sexist comment ignoring the real issue of why she went to Congo despite Security risks to this country. She spent time talking to rape victims and Refugees. I guess that wasn't pretty enough for the MSM who would rather have a sound bite then a real story.
Hillary wrote this peice on what she saw in Goma
Hillary said she saw the worst in human kind and also the best in Goma. These women lost their homes due to war and are to afraid to go get wood for fire due to the fear of being raped. This is an outrage in 2009 that women are still being used as weapons of war in this day and age.
Hillary pledged to banish Sexual Violence to the Past where it belongs." I am proud of Hillary and hope she speaks out against rape no matter where it occurs.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pics of Hillary's trip to Africa

Rude protests are American tradition | | The Detroit News

Rude protests are American tradition | | The Detroit News

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Pelosi and Reid need to check out the Constitution its actually very American to loudly Protest. Its unAmerican for Politicans to call Americans UnAmerican for protesting. Perhaps people need to pick up a History book

Newt Gingrich's advice for a Sarah Palin comeback - Jeanne Cummings -

Newt Gingrich's advice for a Sarah Palin comeback - Jeanne Cummings -

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Good advice from Newt to Sarah. I wonder if she will take it now or will she wait to run, I hope she runs when she is ready because its going to be tough for her like it was for Hillary but she already knows that.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

When Liberal Leaders Confront a Centrist Nation

When Liberal Leaders Confront a Centrist Nation

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This article breaks down how the majority of the people in this country vote. There are more Conservatives then Republicans and more Democrats then liberals.
This is why so many Democrats are having problems at the health care town halls because they don't like the Democrats plans. The Liberals are going to have to understand that the American people do not want all these tax and spend programs which is how the Democrats lost power in 1994 and which is why they will lose power in 2010. They never learn. The Republicans lost power in 2006 because they were also spending money like crazy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Rubes of Engagement

The Rubes of Engagement

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Federal courthouse to close for G-20 meetings - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Federal courthouse to close for G-20 meetings - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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This is a local story for me. I plan to cover this for the blogs and for the forum.

Anatomy of an Outburst: Why Did Hillary Clinton Get Angry in Africa? - ABC News

Anatomy of an Outburst: Why Did Hillary Clinton Get Angry in Africa? - ABC News

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I liked this article. It was fair. The truth is that there is nothing wrong with the Clinton marriage. Hillary snapped because the question was sexist.
Hillary endured months of brutal sexism last year and she just got to the end of her very long rope.
I am not sorry she spoke out and defended herself. I am proud of the stand she took.
Perhaps the media can explain why it ignores the real story here all those women who are raped in wars every day over in Congo. Perhaps the media could cover that instead of this foolish story.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hugh Hewitt: Desperate Democrats need new game plan | Hugh Hewitt | Washington Examiner

Hugh Hewitt: Desperate Democrats need new game plan | Hugh Hewitt | Washington Examiner

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The Democrats need to get a grip or their time back in office as a Majority will be real short. Obama is going to end up out of a job in four years thanks to the Health Care fiasco.

Video of Hillary in South Africa

Hillary talking about the problems facing South Africa

Saturday, August 8, 2009

White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard' - Carrie Budoff Brown -

White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard' - Carrie Budoff Brown -

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This is happening all over the Country. There are several stories and youtube videos showing people running these events shouting down people are calling them nazis. Our Congressmen and women are calling the police on private citizens for expressing their opinion to their elected official.
This is an outrage and very similar to the attacks on Obama's openants like Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.
Americans are waking up and in 2010 the Democrats are going to find themselves crying.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Is Obama Really Like the Joker?

Is Obama Really Like the Joker?

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Obama supporters are playing the race card again. Really they should leave that to people who really know what racism is?