The DNC Reform have endorsed John McCain for President. They, like most of the other Hillary groups like were working on Plan A which was Hillary 08 but once that was proven to be a farce. Most of us have moved to Plan B which is McCain 08. Sarah Palin has indeed paid off for McCain because a lot of these folks were either going to stay home or vote 3rd Party. We wanted as many of these groups on board the Straight Talk Express and thanks to Sarah they have jumped on board.
I hope the Republicans are ready for the massive amount of Democrats on board the Straight Talk Express. The DNC is in trouble. It's time to get rid of all the traitors.
Dear GOP, you’ve done the unforgivable
Specifically, you allowed Donald Trump to irreparably damage the image
Americans have of themselves. We are now the bad guys. We are aligning with
brutal d...
1 day ago
e are ready for you and Welcome you, No one has mentioned all the communist party members and affiliations who are backing OBAMA,
And who also who actually paid for his College bills, News max has that information.
We are ready for you to join us and Welcome you. No one has mentioned all the communist party members and affiliations who are backing OBAMA. You can google the Obama File 28.
And who also who actually paid for his College bills, News max has that information.
We are ready for you and Welcome you, No one has mentioned all the communist partie members and affiliations who are backing OBAMA,
And who also who actually paid for his College bills, News max has that information.
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