I have always said that only the very stupid people in the United States support Obama. I have to say this again. They are so upset when you call a spade a spade that they cannot do anything but insult people. Yes I have heard the Lipstick on the pig remark but the thing is Obama has such a history with sexism that I have no doubt that he called Sarah a pig. He hates women expecially white women and I have a problem with that. Michelle Obama the stupid woman who married this sexist pig has said herself that she had to get his permission before she accepted a job. Come on that is sexist. He insulted Hillary by calling her such names as "White Bitch" "White Whore" and other such lovely names. He may not of called her those names himself but his fundraisers did and he never stopped it.
I am sorry that you college kids have nothing other to do since you do not support yourself but to be sexist but remember something. Women are more then half the population and we make up a huge chunk of the Democratic colliation and young stupid college kids make up trash. They are nothing without the women and Hillary supporters. Obama lost 47% of us and more are joining us every day.
The Obots have to take blame for his loss just as McGovern's young folks had to take blame for his loss in 72. I am going to say Obama's loss may be larger. Can we say AOL strawpoll.
Dear GOP, you’ve done the unforgivable
Specifically, you allowed Donald Trump to irreparably damage the image
Americans have of themselves. We are now the bad guys. We are aligning with
brutal d...
1 day ago
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