Will this man's sexism know no bounds? This is dispecible. The Obama campaign desperate to get the women he insults everyday has decided to do an ad featuring a Rape Victim. I do not know why anyone would allow a politician to do this sort of thing but I guess once a month Obama gets desperate and the claws come out. He is so obsessed with getting women. He reminds me of the nerds in high school going out of their way to win the hearts of some beauty queen. That is what he is doing. He insults women then he goes out of his way to win them.
The Obama campaign is meeting with rape counselors to find a woman who is willing to do an ad talking about the ordeal of being raped. This ad will not help one single woman deal with rape and as an survivor I am saying this is very disgusting. Here is another example that Obama has no respect for women.
Obama is a low life scum bag and this woman will never vote for him.
Dear GOP, you’ve done the unforgivable
Specifically, you allowed Donald Trump to irreparably damage the image
Americans have of themselves. We are now the bad guys. We are aligning with
brutal d...
1 day ago
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