The Democrats are trying to push an economic stimulus plan that rewards ACORN for being an alley of the party. This community grass roots movement has had problems including voter fraud and fraud. ACORN has had problems with its canvassers actually making up names to fill out the forms. They also stayed at home smoking marijuana and filled out the forms. ACORN has also had problems when it was discovered that the founder of this organization stole money from them and it was covered up by his brother who had to step down once this came to light.
I believe this bail out proposal is repayment to the group for helping the Ultra Left wing of the Democratic party steal this election from Hillary Clinton during the caucus fraud. I haven't seen or heard to much from this group in years. They endorse Obama before the Primaries and now all of a sudden they are the beneficiaries of pork from Democrats.
Can't Democrats see that the Country needs help from the financial mess that the economic crisis caused and not more pork.
Send a message to congress to stop giving pork to groups like ACORN and fix this mess in other words do what you were elected to do.
Dear GOP, you’ve done the unforgivable
Specifically, you allowed Donald Trump to irreparably damage the image
Americans have of themselves. We are now the bad guys. We are aligning with
brutal d...
1 day ago
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