Obama was speaking to fundraisers. He said he didn't eat bad hotel food and fly around the Country for 18 months to come in second place. Well perhaps he should of thought of that before he totally disrespected his Party's base. He shouldn't have laughed at Hillary people who lobbied on behalf of female candidates. He laughed at women who were planning to vote for him.
Personally I was not one of the women who lobbied Obama on behalf of females. I was the lucky one I contacted and met with people from the McCain campaign as I was always leaning McCain. What was the difference. McCain listened to not only us but also his own base and actually UNITED his party.
This fund raiser was also for the DNC. I bet they are thrilled with Obama's latest poll numbers. This was supposed to be a Democratic Year. Hillary was right he is not going to win. He is to stuck up to win anything close to being POTUS.
Hillary will be the nominee who will pull out a win. Obama may be back in the great state of Illinois.
Dear GOP, you’ve done the unforgivable
Specifically, you allowed Donald Trump to irreparably damage the image
Americans have of themselves. We are now the bad guys. We are aligning with
brutal d...
1 day ago
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