The Obama truth squad arresting people who disagree with Obama is bad enough. The Obots are now shutting down Conservative blogs. I guess they realized that they had already done this to Pro Hillary blogs when they were preaching that UNITY crap. I guess they realised it was time to introduce themselves to the Republicans. I have never in my life cheered on the Republicans so hard in my life. I am not a Republican and have worked my butt off for 26 years for Democrats and right now I feel they have let me down. I will never again be loyal to either party. From now on I will vote for people based on rather or not they are doing their jobs. I want them to remember that they work for us.
This is a clear violation of the First Amendment but he figures that since he controls the Press that he can step on rights left and right. Disagree with me and expect the police to arrest you. This is Change we can believe in. No this is a disgrace and the DNC should be arrested for allowing this man to run for President.
We need an October surprise now before to many people vote early. I just want him gone.
Dear GOP, you’ve done the unforgivable
Specifically, you allowed Donald Trump to irreparably damage the image
Americans have of themselves. We are now the bad guys. We are aligning with
brutal d...
1 day ago
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